Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Nashville, TN (Picture Heavy)

Jacob & I left for Nashville last Thursday morning with his parents, brother, & sister.  We rented a house to stay at while we were there for Jacob's cousin Austin's wedding.  We visited several historic sites that were involved in the Civil War.  I am not a huge history or museum buff, but I did enjoy it for the most part.
Battle of Franklin hospital house

Slaves quarters

Bullet holes from the Battle of Franklin in the barn (the most bullet-ridden building still standing from the Civil War)

More bullet holes in the house

Horse breeding farm.  All the horses that were in the Kentucky Derby this year can be traced back to a few sires on this farm.

More slaves quarters.
This is what I did  as the history buffs read every. single. plaque. of. information.

Did anyone else know that Best Buy has a vending machine of electronics?

Dad and his coffee "mug" :)

This is what we did one evening when we had to make a pit stop at Walgreens.

This is the card that had the entire family laughing so hard they were crying.

I had a hard time getting a serious picture of the 2 of us.  He is such a goof ball.  I love that.

Coming soon:  Opryland hotel and pictures from the wedding

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