Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Busy Summer in Mostly Pictures

Gorgeous sunset.  I have decided of all the places I have lived... Kansas has the best sunsets.

Jake has been working on putting in a spring development in the pasture this summer.  Now we won't have to chop ice in the winter for the cattle!  Yay!

The latest addition to JFK Farms... meet Skipper, a border collie.

I was getting ready to go running one night, and Jake stopped me and said that if I waited a few minutes he would go on a walk with me.  Well, of course!  We got about .00425 miles (okay... maybe that's a little dramatic) down the road and he calmly said, "This is one of those times I wish I would have kept my mouth shut!"  So I had to take a picture in case it never happens again!

Friends over for pizza and a pool party.

Skipper got a swimming lesson.

Cool dudes!

JFK Farms Seed Cleaning has been super busy this summer.  We are so thankful!

Went to the fair and ranch rodeo with some friends.

Yes, I left this photo small for a reason :)

 Ranch hands all ready to rope and brand!

He loved it!

I froze a bunch of blueberries for my smoothies this winter.

We are looking forward to a safe and bountiful harvest in the next few months!

Monday, August 10, 2015

July Instagram

July was a busy month for us!  We had family and friends visiting us for a couple weekends in a row, some traveling, fishing trips, and haying!

The best little auctioneers in town!  And the cutest!  #auctioneersintraining 

 Skipper is Jacob's new best friend... He is adorable if I do say so myself!  #bordercolliepuppy

Ironing my hubby's shirt and I feel something in his pocket... I screamed... He laughed!  Just a fishing lure, but I still made a lifelong commitment of no ironing!

August is here and we have more haying ahead of us, a short visit with Uncle Victor and Aunt Peggy, a mini Branson vacation with Jacob's family, and trying to stay cool!  Thinking of all my mommy friends that have kiddos going back to school soon!  Praying for a smooth transition from summer to school and a great year for the kids!