Friday night we got in to Dad & Mom's just in time for pizza. The kids had fun playing and the rest of us had fun catching up and doing some food prep for Saturday.
Photos: All Rights Reserved
I caught the boys telling secrets and thought it was so cute!
Mom was the creative one here. When she was babysitting some of the kids earlier in December they made this paper chain. On all the red ones they wrote something the kids had to do. For example: Give dad a kiss, tell someone you love them, give one of the uncles a hug, act like a squirrel, sound like a cow, etc. You get the idea. They got to tear the paper chain apart and read what it said. They had SO much fun with this!
Some of the men playing Settlers of Catan and the women did some knitting and crocheting. My Sis-in-law taught me the basic stitch and it could be really fun once I get the hang of it!
Then the kids played some Minute-To-Win-It games. I had everyone bring already wrapped random gifts that they had around the house as prizes.
This one they had to see how many M & M's they could get from the table to the cup using only a straw.
The prize he picked? cross stitched pillow cases
His reaction? "Seriously?!?!"
Here they had to see how many cheerios they could string onto a piece of dry spaghetti that they had in their mouth.
Stacking Starburst on a tongue depressor that you held in your mouth. It was harder than it looks!
This one was so much fun, but now I get to use toilet paper that is all unrolled for the next several weeks! 2 of the kids held the roll of tp still with a wooden spoon inserted in the middle, and 2 of the other kids had to see who could unroll it the fastest.
This one was probably the hardest. And the funniest. They had to put an Oreo on their forehead and move it to their mouth using only their face muscles.

And this one is the cutest!
Say "Cheese!" Grandpa
Awww... aren't uncles great?!
One of the littles found some gifts that hadn't been put out yet... looks like a mouse got a hold of it!
I miss my brothers so much! It was good to see everyone again!
Dad always reads the Christmas story and one of the grandkids gets to place Jesus in the manger in the nativity set before we open gifts.
I had Trevor's name, lucky him... :) He got Obama toilet paper, and a shotgun plunger... plus some wild game shears and a Tupperware marinader.
I made these bacon and green bean bundles for supper Saturday night. I had never done them before and they were kind of time consuming, but they looked pretty.
My oldest brother did an incredible job on the onion strings! They were so good!
No heart attack here!
Yep. The diet started Monday. Hope everyone had a blessed Christmas and may 2014 be a year of joy for you all!
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